Broward Shell Show Success

Shell Painting Wins an Award!

On January 16 & 17, 2016, I was honored to be an exhibitor at the 51st Annual Broward Shell Show in Pompano Beach, Florida. I've had a fascination with shells since being introduced to some exotics in NYC in the 1960's and have had a passion for painting them ever since!

First Place for Professional Artist Painting of Shells at the Broward Shell Show!

My Shell painting display at the show with business partner Tristina Dietz Elmes.

Thank you to all who stopped by my table during the event, and especially to those of you who bought my 2016 calendars, original artworks and prints!  More copies of prints and my 2016 SHELLS paintings calendar are available for purchase in my online store by clicking HERE.

I couldn't help myself and bought some exotic sea urchin and abalone shells at the show! Go to my Newsletter subscription page HERE if you want to receive an email as paintings of these become available.  Enjoy some shell pictures from the show below. :D